The Empress DowagerMotherland is 74 drunk and 6 Louvre Second part Haizhuren website:from the network Han Palace Qiuyue - pure music love sister: painting andcalligraphy agent 2018-11-06 Cixi (1835-1908), thefolk people commonly known as the "Western Empress Dowager", is awell-known figure. In addition to good deeds and enthusiasm for politics, Cixiloves painting and calligraphy in life, and especially loves to use the "self-made"paintings and paintings to reward the ministers, to show grace and to win overthe hearts of the people.
海珠人网站:源自网络汉宫秋月-纯音乐爱姐:书画经纪2018-11-06 慈禧(1835-1908),民间百姓俗称“西太后”,是位妇孺皆知的人物。慈禧除善弄权术、热衷政治外,生活中喜爱书画,尤其爱以“自己所作的”书画赏赐群臣,以示恩宠,笼络人心。