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Former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev revealed
2019-04-08 00:25:08

Theresignation of the Soviet Union, Gorbachev, at the age of 85, tells the truthabout the "Soviet Disintegration"



Haizhurenwebsite: from the network Fast information Man Zhenang male history 2019-04-01


Today'sXiaobian brings you a historical story of the Soviet Union, which is about the"resignation of the president" of the Soviet Union. At the age of 85,Gorbachev told the truth about the disintegration of the Soviet Union. Let'ssee what is going on! I don't know what impressions my friends have on theSoviet Union? In fact, most of us also see from the history books, how strongthe Soviet Union was in the past, and to what extent is it strong? Why did itfinally collapse? Perhaps many people are not particularly understanding. Thiscountry, which was strong in World War II, still regrets many people.


Inorder to fight against fascism, the Soviet Union established a Soviet socialistUnited Nations. The rapid rise of the Soviet Union after the end of World WarII became a country that fought against the United States. In the end, the twocountries did not see anyone, and everyone else did it. Who can't be lost. Butin the 1990s, the United States did not do anything yet! On the Soviet side, hehimself was killed. The President of the Soviet Union, Gorbachev, who servedfor six years, held a flag-raising ceremony in Moscow. At that time, theleadership of the Soviet Union resigned collectively, and the Soviet Union wasthus decomposed into 15 countries, which also shocked the whole world.


Whydid the Soviet Union disintegrate? Knowing that the resigned President of theSoviet Union, Gorbachev, only told the truth when he was 85 years old, somepeople think that this is his revenge, because his grandfather was killed whenhe was cleaning, so he wants to drag the Soviet Union. . No one believes thatGorbachev was brainwashed by other countries, thus sacrificing nationalinterests. In fact, such a statement is obviously not established. We must knowthat the Soviet Union was a world superpower. Only the United States cancompete with it. Once the Soviet Union almost surpassed the United States,Gorbachev had no need to do this because it was for him. There are no benefits.


Gorbachevwas interviewed when he was 85 years old. He said that if the disintegrationwas not chosen at the time, then the outbreak of civil war was inevitable. Infact, the Soviet Union at that time was not peaceful, and everyone was fightingfor the sake of benefit, and the Soviet economy was on the verge of collapse,so the domestic contradictions have reached its peak. There was also arebellion, that is, the then Minister of Defense and Vice Presidentparticipated in the rebellion, and Gorbachev was imprisoned. Although with thehelp of Yeltsin, it took three days to settle the rebellion, but this time TheSoviet Union has reached the end of poverty.


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